I've posted on this topic at a blog I use to keep, but I love the material so much that I'm going to repost it here in my new space!
I absolutely can't take credit for the content of this post. I was browsing the internet one evening, looking for new blogs to add to my ever-growing collection, and I stumbled across this page from HsKubes Haven at Home. On it, she has provided a copy of the "ABCs of Being a Helpmeet" which she cites to a bulletin board at Heart4Home.
I understand her desire to share this list. These ABCs are a great tool, being both simple and memorable, just like Proverbs 31:10-31! Both are a sort of "acrostic poem" wherein the first letter of each line starts with the next letter of the alphabet (perhaps not obviously; Proverbs 31 follows the Hebrew alphabet). The advice provided by the ABCs is straightforward, and a few are even cheeky.
I'm glad that I found this early in our marriage. I'm terrible at memorization, but I think this is a list I could someday learn by heart!
I've turned the ABCs into two "word art" style 8x10 inch prints. Feel free to download, print and share with friends! Please just attribute the images to this blog post so that others can read up about how I heard about them in the first place.
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