Thursday, October 25, 2012


I really love Romans 12:12. I've been reminded recently how important it is to be constant in prayer, and I've been working toward that goal on a daily basis. I've found that simple acts such as changing the music that I listen to in my car and at work have helped encourage me; by listening to music that glorifies God instead of music that builds up worldly things, I've been able to remain focused on Christ and the things he loves. When my mind and heart are constantly reminded of God's will and his kingdom, I've found it easy to be constant in prayer. I've even been surprised by how much I've absorbed simply by letting this music play in the background!

I was driving back to work after lunch today when I caught David Crowder Band's How He Loves on the radio. I especially love the opening lyrics, "He is jealous for me." I'm always struck by this line, and it warms my heart each time I hear it.

I've been rejoicing in this truth all evening. He is jealous for us! He loves us with an awesome love. Despite our current trials and tribulations, we can have hope for the coming of his kingdom and for our futures with him... I'm always amazed by those thoughts, and I hope to pass them along to you as a reminder.

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