Saturday, September 15, 2012

A testimony

The school year recently started again, and with it started a women's small group for graduate students at my university. As I've mentioned previously, I've been "hungering and thirsting" for the community of believers, and with some encouragement from my husband, I decided to go and see what it was about.

The small group I joined will be focused around the book Lady in Waiting by Kendall and Jones. In addition, the leaders of the group encouraged us to grow closer together into a network of accountability, encouragement and trust. As a way to encourage closeness, one of the leaders proposed that one person per week sharing their testimony with the group.

Testimony. She said the word, and my heart flopped. Testimony? What does that mean? I got goosebumps in a way that I haven't since I heard the word "baptism" rattle across a phone line nearly three years ago -- but more on that later!

So, what better way to introduce myself to you than through my testimony? I'll apologize now for the length of these posts -- yes, these, as I'm sure this will spill out to encompass many of my early writings. But I feel like getting through this will help me prepare for "my" week, when I will have to open my heart and give these girls my testimony.

A Christian's testimony is the story of how God has worked in their life. It is a personal account of their relationship with Christ. I've never really thought about my testimony, and despite my initial fear I'm excited to put it into words! Next time, I'll start at the real beginning and you can hear mine. In the meanwhile, I encourage you, if you haven't already, to make some notes about your own testimony and to share it with those around you!

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